
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mark's New Truck + Saturday + Overnight Oats Recipe

On Friday Mark drove up to pick up his new truck. He researched a lot and decided to go with the new Chevy Silverado. This truck is huge! He's loving his new V8 pick up and even named her Black Betty.  Hahaha We played the song on the way to lunch the next day...

He's a very happy boy now that he has a truck again! I'm pretty sure I caught him going out to look at it 10+ times on Saturday morning. 
I'm happy for him. Mark takes REALLY good care of our cars. He actually enjoys detailing them (he always has) and I know this truck will be just as "babied" as his Dodge truck in college. 

Off to see Mom&Dad McGuire on Saturday! Mark's dad and step mom are visiting from West Linn, OR. The 3 of us picked them up from their hotel on Ft. Lauderdale beach and drove to Dania beach to walk around and eat dinner at the new Quarterdeck on the Dania Pier. 
We had a great time
Ava wasn't sure about the view and then forgot all about it once she got to play with ice cubes, straws, and chop sticks at the table. 
Chop sticks = baby drum sticks 
She was going to town on them. We had a guy come over and comment on her talent :) 
I let him know that her father is a drummer so it may be in the cards for her to be a drummer one day. I know Mark is already excited to buy her a mini drum kit. (Lord. help. me!!!!) 

Made this on Friday morning. Very yummy. I love when I have fresh mint on hand. Mint makes everything taste so tropical and delicious! 

If you're running out ideas for a quick breakfast in the morning, try this...
It can be made 100 different ways which allows you to make it your own and have fun with it. I think that's what I love most about learning how to make these simple, healthy meals: you can change them up to satisfy whatever you're in the mood for and never get bored with them. 

I prepped these for Mark and I on Friday night right before I went to bed. We ate them on Saturday morning and they were delicious. (Ava enjoys them too!) 


The "base":
•1cup oats
•1 cup almond/ or coconut milk 
•2 tbsp of chia seeds 

Your favorite "toppings":
•1 tbsp raw, unfiltered honey 
•1/2 banana (slices)
•2 strawberries (slices)
•1 tsp of semi sweet chocolate chips 
/ vegan chocolate chips/ etc. 
•dash of cinnamon (not shown in picture)

Mix ingredients together and place into the refrigerator until the morning.
That's it! 
Eat cold or heat up for a delicious breakfast in the morning.

That's it! Super easy. The oats soften and "cook" themselves overnight. How cool is that!? Plus, it's one more reason to get to use your good 'ole mason jars. 

Any quick and healthy breakfast ideas that you enjoy? 
You know I am always wanting more ideas! 

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday. If you try the oatmeal recipe, let me know how you made yours! 




  1. The oats actually sound really good!!! :) And maybe you have a future superstar drummer on your hands! She looks like she was loving it! haha Glad yall had a good weekend!

    Love Always,

  2. Your little girl is so adorable. She looks precious with that blue ribbon in her hair. The oatmeal and juice look tasty. My favorite juice blend is pineapple, coconut milk, honey, and vanilla yogurt. I like to use fresh pineapple so I can get both juice and fruit when it is blended. Sometimes, I blend pistachios in the mix.

    Kourtney Heard @ Hansen & Adkins Auto Transport


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