
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Last 2 1/2 Months...

Hello there. 
Just to recap for my own recollection on day when I look back on these posts...

The last 2 1/2 months as a new mom has been quite the experience. It started off a bit rocky with the jaundice, sleepless nights, and a case of mild baby blues. For those of you who aren't familiar with the "baby blues" - it is a simple case of an exhausted new mom. I was emotional (Thanks a lot hormones!) since my body was readjusting to not being pregnant anymore. Thank the Lord that this only occurred a total of about 4 days and only during the last part of the day after I was up all day trying to be a supermom with  brand new baby. 

Back to my recap...

Ava went from 7lbs. 11oz. to now almost 12lbs. She is now awake a lot more (yay) and SMILING! This has been a.w.e.s.o.m.e. 

There is noting like going into her room around 9AM and seeing her jabbering away speaking baby and then gives you a BIG, GUMMIE smile :p

This baby gets cuter by the day, I swear! Ok, I'm a bit biased but whatever. 

Also, I now am a lot more adjusted to being a mom {although it is still crazy to hear me say I am a mom out loud} 

I am learning how to make time for working out, cooking, 
Chicken chili made at noon for dinner later
{blogging}, talking to friends, and finally - making time for "me time!" 
With the help of my mom, I was able to go get a mani-pedi the other day :)

I am not very original with my colors. I always choose a dark red  - the darker the better :)
This one is Skirting the Issue by Essie for  you  fellow Essie polish lovers.

Let's see..

Over these last 2 1/2 months Ava



Being swaddled for naps & bedtime 

When you tickle her chin 

The morning time when she tries to talk 

When Mark gets home and she hears Mark's voice

Her car seat

Long walks in her stroller

The sound of the ocean on her noise machine


When I take too long to make her a bottle

...and that's about it! 

Crazy to think Ava was the one causing this HUGE BUMP!!

Happy she was the result :) Loved being pregnant - but love her being here with us now even more! 

This is where I will wrap it up for now. { I can hear Ava waking up } 

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