
Thursday, August 9, 2012

What We Have Been Up To...

Sorry for my lack of blogging... Mark and I just recently moved into our new home and it has taken a little longer than we thought to get things situated. Comcast just came on Tuesday to hook up the internet and cable- so that meant no blogging until then. Plus, I really have been busy with unpacking, throwing all things unnecessary out, and organizing. So here is just a little recap of what has been going on lately. 

On July 14, 2012 Alexandra & Lee got married! It was the most beautiful wedding I have ever attended. Here is just a little glimpse of their wedding until we get all of their finished photos and the completed wedding video. Below is a link you can click on to watch a preview of their wedding video! They did a phenomenal job on it that I cannot even imagine what the whole video is going to be like. (I will upload that one when I get my hands on it for you too!)

Next, I have been working on my baby shower invitations. My mother and my mother in law are co-hosting my baby shower! It will be on Sept. 8th and I cannot wait! Here is a picture of the first couple I made... They are looking a little rough because I was just figuring out how to do the measurements of the paper cutting, etc. Their colors ranged from pink, light pink, lime green, and light purple. I had fun making them with all the colors, ribbon, and even added Ava's monogram to the top of them. :) 

The weekend after Ali & Lee's wedding weekend, we got together with some friends for the Dave Matthews Concert weekend. We do this every year (besides last year because the band  took a year off.) We BBQ'd and hung out by the pool during the day and then did the concert at night. The concert is always on both Fri. and Sat. night in West Palm Beach....and Mark insists that we go both nights each year... Guess who was the designated driver this year? (ha...) Normally I am partaking in the cocktails so we all pitch in and get a limo or party bus to drive us all up. This year it was a much smaller group so I volunteered to drive us. 

the boys in their tacky tank tops...
The weekend after that, Mark and I drove up to Josh & Heather's Engagement Party in Jacksonville. MaryAnn & Jacki (the 2 ladies to the left) and their husbands co-hosted this event for our friends. It was a really fun weekend filled with the boys playing golf, spa time with the girls, a water slide (I did not partake in this haha), a Cajun low country boil, dinner with the gang, and the usual late night drinks and cigar time that the boys always have on the back porch while the girls catch up inside. 
Welcome to the Kappa Sigma Wives Club, Heather! (...soon to be Mrs. Bean!)
Our husbands(or fiances) are all in the same fraternity so we jokingly say that we are in a wives club. 
Heather & Josh

This is me last week at 26 weeks along. Ava has really started moving! Mark and I are loving all of her movements. 

Here is Ava's room! It is painted a light sea foam green and has a border filled with a variety of small wild flowers. She has white wooden blinds, and a tan 

Her crib will go along this empty wall
Her mirrored closet 

Then, last week Kelly came down from NC to visit! She is a teacher now and was off right between teaching summer school and the start of the new 2012-2013 school year. I was so happy to see her. I went over to her house and caught up for a while then headed over to St. Thomas Aquinas High School to visit our friends that work there now. It was awesome seeing the new additions to our amazing high school. Between the new "state of the art" Arts Building, Athletic Center, Practice fields, locker rooms, coaches facilities, etc. the school continues to be one of the very best in the US. We are always very proud to say that we are STA Raiders! 

Me and Kel with Lauren Genduso(left) and Hunter Cambon. (right)

Two days ago, I went over to my friend Lana's home and spent time with her and our friend Sarah. As soon as I got there, Ava started kicking so Lana and Sarah were able to feel her for the first time! It was awesome seeing Lana and Sarah's reactions to Ava moving. I was laughing because I don't think it really hit them that I was having a baby until they felt her moving at the moment. Their eyes bolted open and they each squealed!

 Later on, we went and got dinner, caught up on each other's lives, watched some of the Olympics, and then I gave them these letters that they had written to themselves years ago. All 3 of us went to St. Anthony School when we were younger. From grades 5th-8th, we wrote a letter which reviewed our year and then it was given back to our teacher and put into a locked safe. I picked up the letters a couple months ago because I heard that they were no longer keeping the letters and would be thrown out if they were not claimed and  picked up. Since I am not working, I had time to go over to the school and pick up a whole bunch of letters to mail out to friends. This was the best part of the night. We were cracking up because in some of the letters, we had actually written about each other and other friends of ours that we are still close with today... 

And here I am today right after my doctor's appointment. Now that I am further along (27 weeks), I now have to go to the doctor's every 2 weeks rather than once a month. Once I hit 36 weeks, I'll have to go to the doctor every week! Each time I go, it is usually very quick...they take my weight, blood pressure, and listen to Ava's heartbeat. 

 So there is some of July until the present day. Between Chicago for Ali's wedding, the Dave Matthews Concert weekend, an engagement party, moving, Dr. Appointments, visiting old friends, and baby shower preparations...I have been enjoying this summer :) 

3 moths left until BABY AVA MAKES HER ARRIVAL! 

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