
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cooper update

I believe that the last time I blogged about Cooper was when we had just adopted things have changed in those few short months! That little boy went from neglected to a spoiled rotten family member. He's also gained 2lbs!

Cooper sleeping on Mark's foot last night holding his baby (a stuffed fox)

Coopie playing hard to get

Outside playtime- he lovesss to run and jump over the other dogs in the neighborhood.

He loves visitors too.

Today, I bought him a new collar at the humane society with an engraved tag

We love our Cooper Currington McGuire! <3
(Mark spoils him too...he buys him toys and treats all the time :)

Christina McGuire

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sometimes you just need your girlfriends :)

Hi all :) sorry that I haven't been posting much( for those of you who read my little blog.) Nothing is new with me and Mark. He is doing well at work and I am getting ready to start my Masters this fall.
I wanted to post this because I wanted to tell my friends that I love and miss them :) These are a few pictures from a couple weekends ago...
We don't get to see each other as often as we'd like now that we're all spread out in different cities and states. On this weekend, Lauren came down from Gainesville, Michelle from Jacksonville, Gabby from Tallahassee, Rach from West Palm beach, and Lana from West Palm as well (not pictured unfortunately because I didn't get one while she was down). I also have some other VERY MISSED girlfriends in Jacksonville, Tallahassee, IL, NC, NY, GA. that I would have loved to see this weekend as well...(they are pictured below)
I love Mark, but sometimes a girl just needs some quality time with her best girlfriends :)

My father always used to say that when you die, if you've got five real friends, then you've had a great life.
-Lee Iacocca
Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait for the answer.
-Author Unknown
         Friends are relatives you make for yourself.
- Eustache Deschamps

Here are some other faves of the girlfriends I MISS and LOVE too :)

Last time the "trio" was all together (Disney) & that's when Ali asked me to be her Matron of Honor with her older sister! <3

FSU game days with Kendall, Erika, and Jacki - I finally found girls equally as fsu crazed as me :)

Michelle, Lauren, Meg, Bre, Meredith, Ali, Lana, Kel, Sarah W, and Sarah P :)

Soaking up the sun with Kel in the Bahamas
Kara and Lauren with me on my wedding day
longtime friend, Ashley, on her wedding day!

College wouldn't have been the same without these ladies...Kerri, Sarah and Ali

Thanks for always being great friends ladies. Love you.